Registration for the "10th GEO European Projects Workshop" is now open until 2 May 2016. The event this year will take place in Berlin, Germany, spanning over three days from 31 May to 2 June 2016.
To register and learn more, please click here.
An EU BON-Team from the Museum für Naturkunde will also organize a Break Out Session at the event. The dedicated session #11 is called "Challenges for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Observation for the Next Ten Years", where several EU-projects will present their current and future activities with regards to biodiversity and ecosystem data, knowledge and contributions to the GEO work. This will be followed by interactive World Cafés:
- World Café desk I: EEA and policy – data/model/portal needs.
- World Café desk II: Follow-up joint products of GEO EU Biodiversity projects.
- World Café desk III: Strengthening the in-situ approach in GEO by biodiversity and ecosystem-related projects.
- World Café desk IV: Connecting with other GEO Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs), e.g. Agriculture, Health.